“The blessed land”, “a heavenly place”, “the throne of the Black Sea”, “the
Russian Athos”, “the precious diamond in the crown of the Russian Empire”,
“microcosm of Eurasia”, “an unsinkable aircraft carrier” — this is what Crimea was
called at different times.
The book by professor of history Pavel Vladimirovich Tulaev, an experienced
writer and publisher, in a popular science format sets out the history of the
development of the peninsula from the ancient era to the present. It is a continuation of
the author’s first work on this subject, “The Cross over Crimea,” published in 1992.
The new study, significantly improved and expanded, consists of 21 chapters, 8
documentary applications and copyright memories.
The book, written professionally, in literary language, contains hundreds of
reliable facts, dozens of interesting illustrations and maps, in combination with a
fascinating, chronologically ordered which are combined in a fascinating,
chronologically related story. It summarizes the experience of several generations of
scientists: historians, local historians, archaeologists, military experts, tour guides,
indicating bibliographic sources.
The Professor Tulaev’s work is extremely relevant. It shows the close connection
of the past and the present, substantiates the historical right of Russia to the Crimea,
makes the spiritual treasures of the Orthodox Tauris accessible to accessible to
All rights reserved © 2020.
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For a foreign reader my book about the destiny of Crimea has a special meaning.
In addition to the historical content valuable in itself for any educated person, it
contains a lesson in diplomacy and clearly demonstrates the ignorance of some
Western strategists who claim to be global analysts.
It is generally recognized that Crimea is not just one of the peninsulas which there
are hundreds on the world map. It is the “throne of the Black Sea, “microcosm of
Eurasia”, “crossroads of civilizations”, “blessed land”. And for Russia it also “the
cradle of Epiphany”, “Russian Athos”, “precious diamond in the crown of the Russian
Empire”, “unsinkable aircraft carrier”.
Pragmatically minded western politicians who consider Crimea from the point of
view of their own interests do not want to see the value of the history and cultural
experience of this region. The legacy of the past for a modern functionary of this or
that international organization is the “old stuff” and for Americans, it is also something
very distant which is happening “overseas”.
For such a policy reality is not what it is and used to be, what is described in
historical sources but what is profitable for the current situation as an argument. It is
due to this opportunistic logic that many “experts” assessed the absolutely legal
reunification of Crimea with Russia as “annexation” and “occupation”. This
assessment, absurd from the point of view of thousands of reliable facts, is issued as an
expression of the “international law” which has been spread through the “mass media
of disinformation”.
If you are satisfied with such a primitive approach, you needn’t read my book
which gives a systematic survey of the experience of two millennia and hundreds of
authors. And you may continue to sift the informational garbage from the Internet
through your head. But if you are looking for the truth, my research is just for you.
From the very first pages of the monograph the reader will be able to make sure
that Crimea which formerly was called Taurida has always been in the in the world
event stream. It was one of the most important centers of the ancient civilization. Here
passed the paths of the first Christian missionaries and saints passed. It was an outpost
of the Tatar and Ottoman Empires. The road to Constantinople went through
Chersonese which opened the doors for the European reconquest and the colonization
of the islamized Crimea. The Russian aristocracy improved the southern region into a
favorite resort and the bloody revolution transferred all the conquered wealth to the
working people. It was in Crimea that the Jews wanted to create their independent
republic before Israel appeared. However, the decision of Stalin, Churchill and
Roosevelt at the Yalta Conference in 1945 directed the development of events
Crimea has always attracted the attention of not only Russian but also western
scientists, travellers and journalists, such as P. Pallas, Ch. Steven, P. Keppen, Sh.
Romm, J. Webster, P. Gibal, W.H. Russell, L. de Sudak, Berthier Delagarde, including
many prominent Europeans who devotedly served the Russian Empire. The author
used their scientific works and travelling diaries when writing this historical review.
The latest events related to the geopolitical conflict between Russia and Ukraine
confirm the strategic importance of Crimea and the Black Sea region as a whole which
NATO leaders are well aware of. It should only be added that on a global scale the
Ukrainian rift may turn out to be a trap for West because being distracted by the
marginal problems of southeastern Europe the architects of the White World risk
losing in racial competition and their hegemony in the promising Pacific Ocean.
The USA, in particular, is vitally interested in a strategic alliance with Russia,
since China comes out on top in the world leadership. It will soon force the West
which is inferior to the East in terms of development dynamics to assess its forces
more soberly.
I also want to make one warning. In spite of the methods of the behind-the-scenes
strategists who use the “divide et impera” principle in international relations and try to
use Crimea as an “apple of discord”, such a short-sighted policy will not bring the
expected result because, in addition to the personal whim of individual politicians, the
laws of historical Justice and God’s will apply.